
Saturday, April 30, 2011

This week in life learning...

‎"When you want to teach children to think, you begin by treating them seriously when they are little, giving them responsibilities, talking to them candidly, providing privacy and solitude for them, and making them readers and thinkers of significant thoughts from the beginning. That's *if* you want to teach them to think." ~ Bertrand Russell

This week Jude learned what your back looks like after riding your bike through mud puddles.

 Lennon discovered the breeze feels much better without any clothes on.

 Jude really likes chemistry. He has been really interested in the elements, molecules, and atoms. He and daddy were making simple molecular structures with magnets last night. Here are some pretty good chemistry for kids websites

Lennon is learning his colors while he helped me make pumpkin muffins this morning. He's also learned that drawing on yourself is just as much fun as drawing on paper :)


  1. Love the nekid pic! We're potty training so we have a lot of nekid time right now! Nothing quite like a little hinny!

  2. We are potty training right now too! That's actually why he was naked on the back porch, it's his favorite place to pee :)

  3. These pictures are glorious! I love them all. I love what kids discover just living. I think if we all walked through our days looking around, listening, taking note, we'd find we were ALL discovering, learning, making connections, pretty much every minute. It feels incredible, doesn't it? Thank you for this lovely post!

  4. Oh I like a breeze with no clothes on too ;)

    Lovely post

  5. That bare bottom is too precious. Wonderful post :)

  6. How gorgeous :) That picture of Lennon catching the breeze is magical!
