
Monday, April 18, 2011


I found this CNN article on unschooling today called No school, no books, no teacher's dirty looks. The lame title is an indication of the lameness of the article. It was okay until these last four statements.

"But proponents of the public education system suggest these children may be missing a key part of the educational experience.

"There is nothing like the texture of kids having contact with each other, making friends and relating to different adults in a school setting," said David Tokofsky, a longtime educator and member of the Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education.

Nailah, who would be in 4th grade if she attended a regular school, seems to enjoy the "unschooled" lifestyle, even if she's a bit confused when asked what exactly she is learning.

"I actually don't know what I'm learning," Nailah said. "I think I'm just having a good time.""

Now, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, even ignorent ones like this proponent of the public education system. My unschooled children have amazing friendships and come into contact with other kids multiple times a week. The quality of time spent with the other kids is also better than it would be in a public school system because they spend their time doing things that they WANT to be doing, like playing legos, playing at the park enjoying nature, or role playing while having light saber fights.  And to suggest that they are relating to different adults in a school setting better than they would at home with family or with the other homeschool parents is ABSURD!!! There is a common characteristic that I've observed among all of the homeschool kids I know and that is the ease at which they talk to adults. The kids and adults both speak with each other on the same level. The kids have the confidence to do so because they are never treated like little children who are not capable of understanding complex ideas. When Jude asks me a question I give him a "grown up" answer and that in return prompts more questions from him which I am happy to answer. That is how he learns, which brings me to my next complaint about this article. 

The author says the 10 year old is a bit confused to what exactly she is learning. Well, no shit!! That's because unschooled children are not used to being quizzed on what they are learning. There is no measurement for learning. An unschooled child doesn't think about learning because it happens so naturally. To them they are just having a good time living and exploring the things that interest them. Living IS learning. 



  1. Maybe when he says there's nothing like it...we should take it as, there is no other thing on the face of the planet quite like this weird forcing of kids to only hang out with people born in the same year as them...even though that's not what he means, it's still true! ;)
