
Thursday, June 2, 2011

34 weeks and feeling the pressure!

I'm 34 weeks pregnant now and I'm beginning to feel like I'm running out of time. My water broke with Jude at 38 weeks and it broke with Lennon at 39 weeks. So if this baby comes early too that means I could only have 4 or 5 more weeks to go, holy shit! So much to do on such limited energy. Whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed I make lists to feel like I'm in control again. So here goes.

1. Write birth plan.
2. Have Jimmy help me get out the baby clothes and blankets that are buried in our storage building.
3. Wash baby clothes and blankets.
4. Make a list of things to take with us to Jimmy's grandmother's house where we will have our HBA2C. Is  it crazy to write that you need to make a list on the list you're currently writing?
5. Make sure 3 car seats will actually fit in our back seat.
6. Buy a box of chlorine free newborn diapers.
7. Clean out car.
8. And most importantly, scrub house top to bottom 10 times with a toothbrush before the baby gets here!

I've gotten a few things done already like cleaning out my dresser so I have a place to put the baby's clothes. I've washed the newborn cloth diapers and ordered some new cloth diaper covers. I ordered a new baby swing because I gave mine away to a new young mom in need a couple of years ago.

Next week I'll be busy with homeschool outings and playdates, a midwife appointment, an Oklahoma Sustainable Future meeting, cleaning house, baking dozens of cookies for a bake sale and lemonade sale to benefit pediatric cancer, volunteering with Jude at the lemonade stand, planning and baking for Jude's birthday party next weekend, all while working at the dairy, keeping our household together, and trying to stay sane with two crazy boys, ahhhhh!!!! I need to take a deep breath and slow down. I had braxton hicks contractions all day yesterday which I'm positive were activity related. It's just so hard to sit down when there's so much to get done.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are crazy busy! I hope you get everything done and have an awesome HBAC2! I can't wait to hear your story!
