
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Things I know

The things I know this week are...

1. I underestimated the intelligence of my chickens. The rubber snakes worked for about two days at keeping them from digging in my mulch. My new solution is an ugly wire fence around my bushes and some big rocks that I found in the pasture placed in my other flower bed. So far it has worked but I'm sure it won't be long until they get spiteful.

2. The Oklahoma sky can get pretty crazy looking! The color was eerie and definitely affirmed that tornado season has arrived but the cotton ball clouds were amazing and we were so thankful for the little bit of rain that we got.

3. I am excited to start a new sewing project! I'll post more about this later.

4. This is what happens when Lennon and Daddy get ahold of a marker.

5. Jude is growing up so fast, I can't believe he will be six in less than two months! Today he learned to ride his bike without training wheels.

Things I know idea is from Check her out!


  1. Oooh a bike without training wheels is exciting :D

  2. OMG look at those beautiful cotton ball clouds! So beautiful :)
