
Friday, May 13, 2011

Things I Know

The things I know this week are...

1. When your two year old is driving you CRAZY while you're trying to cook dinner just give him some dried pasta to "cook." 
And that will keep him entertained for all of two minutes, three if you're lucky!

2. I've become very emotional and moody in my third trimester. My 5 year old and 2 year old have both made my cry in the last week. While lying in bed trying to fall asleep the other night I became so annoyed at our squeaky ceiling fan that I actually visualized myself ripping it out of the ceiling with super human strength and throwing it through the window. Instead I just turned it off and went to sleep hot but it was a nice thought :)

3. Any construction project always takes twice as long as you thought it would.

4. What's worse than dirty socks on the floor that are left for mommy to pick up? Dirty, sweaty socks that are wadded up and inside out. Gross boys!

5. When you are so busy trying to build a house by yourselves, your Cinco De Mayo 11 years of being together anniversary passes you by and you don't even realize it until one week later when you and your husband realize that you both forgot it!

Linkin up with Yay For Home!


  1. Oh we are building our house too... well renovating and adding on.... it's a long hard road, even more so when you are pregnant! *hugs*

  2. Wow that little kitchen is ace!

  3. #4: these are my Mum's 2 cents: my brother and father were shocking with their socks, so she told them "if you can't be bothered putting them in the washing basket the right way, neither can I" so she washed the socks exactly as they were, inside out. Hung them up inside out. Gave them back inside out. Now you sort them out yourselves boys! ;)

  4. Yes, I draw the line at sweaty rolled up underwear. Those I will NOT unroll!

  5. I think you're entitled to being a little moody if you're pregnant, have 2 little ones AND you're building a house. Hope you get some good rest. :)

  6. Ha! I can't believe you both forgot your anniversary. That's priceless.
