
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A good day :)

Today was a good day. Hung out with some unschooling friends this morning then came home, painted, and watched a show about salt on How Stuff Works (we love Netflix!). I've been reading Playful Parenting and things seem to be getting a little easier with Lennon. I'm only about 30 pages into it but I would totally recommend this book to parents! Lennon's behavior makes a lot more sense to me now and I feel like I am able to be a better mommy to him. We still have our bad moments when we are both overly frustrated with each other but things really are getting better, yay! Anyways, I just wanted to share some pictures I took today of my beautiful boys :)

Jude said he was making blood vessels, gross!

I love pictures like this when it looks like they are actually getting along. Yeah, that moment didn't last too long!

Sweet baby River napped peacefully the whole time. 

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