
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I got a blog award today!

Wahoo! I'm feeling mighty special today because I received a blog award from the amazing Ashton at Something Swanky. If you are on a diet do not go to her blog, hee hee, just kidding! Go over there right now and drool over her beautiful, mouth-watering desserts!

So here are the rules for receiving this blog:
1. Tell 7 things about yourself
2. Pass this award on to 15 other bloggers

I'm guessing I only have about 15 more minutes until my littles wake up from their naps so I'm cut it down to five on each thing.

5 things about me
1. My favorite band is Pink Floyd. So no, despite my oldest boys' names being Jude and Lennon, the Beatles are not my favorite band! They are near the top of my list though :)
2. The only time I am idle is when I am asleep. I can't just do nothing. I can hardly sit through a movie.
3. I wish I could take the farm we live on (my parent's old homestead) and start a commune. That sounds weird I know.
4. I am SO not girly. I do not wear makeup, I hate getting ready, and I don't care if I am in style or not.
5. I wear my pajamas all day long unless I go somewhere. If I do go somewhere, I put my pajamas back on as soon as I get home.

5 amazing blogs
It was hard picking just 5 but these are the ones I've been visiting a lot lately :)
A Creative Princess
Chef In Training
Creating My Way to Success
Embellishing Life
Sugar Bee Crafts 

Thanks again Ashton!