
Thursday, November 17, 2011

New house stuff

We are finally getting closer to being done building our new house. I'm now feeling the rush to decide on paint colors and interior details. This is the fabric I picked out last night for Lennon's quilt. It will be my jumping off point to decide on colors for his bedroom. I'm still not sure what color I want to paint his walls. He's 2 1/2 years old so I want something that will grow with him. What are your suggestions??

I bought this shower curtain at Target for the boys/main bathroom and I'm painting both of the bathrooms gray.

I used to love decorating and I couldn't wait to build a house and decorate it. At this stage in my life though, that kind of stuff isn't really that important to me. I actually feel very bad that while I'm deciding what colors to paint my house there are families who don't even have a house to live in. We aren't the kind of people that try to keep up with the Jones'. We have worked very hard and saved for a long time to build this house and stay debt free. My husband has done almost all the work himself and this is the house and homestead where we will raise our children and spend the rest of our lives. So, while I do feel bad for being just another American consumer with my first world dilemmas such as what lights to hang over my island, I will try to put the guilt aside and be thankful and happy for what I have :)


  1. Love those fabrics! That mushroom fabric makes me want to run out and buy some right now. Can't wait to see the quilt finished. I think the safest color(and very popular right now) is white with the fabrics, accessories, and wall art all bringing in color. Of course my boys' rooms are a riot of color, because I don't mind painting.

    I feel those pangs of guilt, too. Particularly when here there are so many flood ravaged families who have lost absolutely everything. But I know, that I do help with both time & money, and buying things helps the local economy too, which helps the whole community.

    Thought provoking post. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Gorgeous fabric! With Jase's room, I left it the light brown that came with the house. I initially wanted to do it a different color, but really couldn't gauge what his taste would be in two or three years. I figure, brown is a warm, neutral color that will grow with him until he can decide what color he wants for several years after. :) Kai, who is 8, chose a sky blue. Me? I'm all about green!

    I personally think it's important to remember that guilt isn't an emotion that will energetically uplift the world. Appreciation and happiness, however, do in a million ways. As people who live good lives, I feel like we should all do what we can when we can, but not try to dampen our own life experiences in the process.
