
Monday, November 21, 2011

Orange Fluff

In case you missed my guest post over at Mom's Crazy Cooking last week here it is!

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. In my family, it seems like everyone brings at least one main dish and one dessert so it is like a heavenly buffet of southern down home cooking! And every year when everyone is calling each other to see who's bringing what, you can be sure that someone is bringing the pink stuff! Well move over pink stuff, there's a new fluff in town! The formal name is Buttermilk Salad but I think Orange Fluff sounds tastier :)

1 quart of buttermilk
2 (3.4 oz) boxes instant vanilla pudding
1 (20 oz) can of crushed pineapple, drained
4 tsp orange jello mix
1 (16 oz) container of whipped topping (Cool Whip)
1 (8 oz) package of miniature marshmallows

In a very large bowl, combine the first 3 ingredients with a whisk and mix well. Sprinkle the jello over the mixture and mix well. Fold in whipped topping and marshmallows. (NEVER vigorously stir whipped topping because it will get runny!) Chill in the refrigerator.

Please try this recipe, you will not be sorry! I know it sounds a little strange with all that buttermilk but I promise you it tastes amazing. I must warn you though, it is VERY addicting!

Click here to see where I'll be linking up today.


  1. I've never seen anything like this but I'm intrigued!! Thanks for sharing!


  2. That looks interesting! I love that it has pudding, cool whip, and marshmallows. Thanks for sharing on Crazy Sweet Tuesday. :)

  3. Think this would work with sugar free pudding and jello? Sounds pretty good as is, but being diabetic, would like to try sugar free or as close as possible...

  4. It's worth a try! I've never used sugar free jello before so I'm not sure how it compares :)
