
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Our first attempt at solids

River turned 6 months old last week so I figured maybe it's time to give solids a try. Tonight was the first go at it. I think it's safe to say he still prefers mama's milk!

Here are some more pics from tonight. I try my hardest to cherish these sweet babydoll looks.......

before he turns into this!


  1. haha! He definitely didn't like that so much! :)

  2. cutie boys! i'm a new follower from sunday social...would love to have you visit back. :)


    P.S...I have a link up on Sunday...check it out if you'd like. :)

  3. Yeah, Jase decided to skip baby food. He nursed exclusively (after snubbing baby food around 6 mo) until around 8 months. Then he started eating "finger foods" that had fallen onto the floor and I knew what he wanted... ;D

    1. Yeah I have a feeling River will be the same way. I've just been dipping his spoon in a little bit of pureed fruit/veggies then let him have the spoon to chew on and maybe get used to different tastes and textures.

  4. LOVE the transition from sweet baby face to funny big-boy face! Very similar things happen over here at our house! =)
