
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February Photo Challenge- Catch Up

Day 14- heart
One of the boy's valentines they received from a friend, laying on the floor of course.

Day 15- phone

Day 16- something new
New vases from Ikea for the new house.

Day 17- time

Day 18- drink

Day 19- something you hate to do
Run out of coffee in my mug :(

Day 20- handwriting
I am a list maker as you can tell. Jimmy was laughing at me the other day because I had "make list" written on my to do list! Oh, and my handwriting is much neater on paper.

Day 21- a fave photo of you
I don't have any fave photos of myself that I have taken, so here is one of my favorite photos that my friend Sharalee Stephens took at River's homebirth. She captured such a beautiful moment. It was hot July afternoon with the sun shining through my west bedroom window. I had just naturally birthed my third boy at home after two previous cesareans. I knew all along I could do it, that my body was strong and was not broken. It was such a wonderful experience!

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