
Thursday, February 2, 2012

February Photo a Day Challenge

I'm going to *try* to keep up with this challenge this month. I'm can't promise I'll post everyday but hopefully I can keep up with the photos each day and post them when I can.

Yesterday, February 1- your view today
We had an amazing day at the zoo with our unschooling friends. The boys loved feeding the birds! So thankful I can wake up on a Wednesday and think, "this is a great day to go to the zoo," get on our little facebook unschooling village and ask if anyone else wants to go, then meet up with three other awesome families and spend all day just hanging out playing at the zoo. I think we saw two animals then the kids spent the rest of the time just playing. I LOVE the freedom of our unschooling life! 

Today, February 2- words
A tapestry hanging over my rocking chair. Terrible lighting but it is 10 o'clock at night! 

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