
Wednesday, February 16, 2011


We are trying to sell a big portion of our herd so that we can scale back and not have to belong to a coop to sell our milk. I would love to have the time to make butter, yogurt, kiefer, and cheese to sell along with the raw milk. We had a guy from Idaho call asking about our cows the other night. He was blown away by the fact that they were pasture grazing (meaning they're not kept in a barn or feed lot ALL the time). He asked if we could send him pictures because up there the cows are basically raised on concrete for their entire milking careers, which aren't long because cows like that only last a few years before their poor bodies wear out as opposed to ours which can live and milk for over ten years. He asked what our average pounds per cow was and when we told him he said they shoot for double that average. Then he said, "Not to be rude but are you happy with what your cows average?" We are more concerned that our cows are happy and healthy. Also, we drink our own raw milk so what goes into our cows goes into us.

When you buy milk from the store this is where most of it comes from. These big factory farms are putting small dairies like ours out of business every day.

Pretty sad and pretty gross but that's what you get when you buy cheap, nutritionless food from the grocery store. 


  1. What's disturbing is what people buy into when they buy the "organic" milk sold at the larger grocery chains. They think green pastures when most of the time (if I'm not mistaken) it's cows being brought up in the same concrete environment, just being fed organic feed.

    We're very fortunate to be able to get raw milk from you all. It's just all around better, for the cows and the farmers and definitely the consumer!
    I'm glad to see that you will be venturing into cultured dairy products, and if you ever need any help towards that end please let me know! I would be happy to just to be around the cows, I think they're pretty neat.

  2. Grateful to be vegan. It's just too hard to verify that animals are treated honorably unless you're doing it yourself! Good work!!
