
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Doctors and their love of prescriptions

A couple of weekends ago I (or I should say a tree) busted my chin open and I had to get a couple of stitches. I HATE going to the doctor and hate the E.R. even worse but it was a Saturday afternoon and the cut was pretty deep so I didn't have much of a choice. Anyway, when the nurse took me back one of the first questions she asked me was if I was in pain. I said no because I wasn't. Why do they even ask this? Are they looking for a reason to hand out pain pills and contribute to an already huge prescription drug addiction in America? If someone is in enough pain to need relief they are probably going to say something without your asking!

The next thing she asked me was when the last time I had a tetanus shot was. Okay, that question is understandable. I told her that I had no idea but I'm pretty sure it's been at least 15 years. She informed me that I could get the vaccine even while pregnant but I kindly rejected. After the doctor stitched me up, he told me that Neosporin is the best thing to put on the cut and the big scratch on my face yet he wrote me a prescription for another antibiotic cream. He also wrote me a prescription for an antibiotic! Then to top things off when he was leaving he reminded me again that if I wanted to get the tetanus shot it was safe. "In fact," he said, "all vaccines are safe, even the flu vaccine which is a live one." I didn't even know what to say to that! I must have had a really blank look on my face because he just paused and then walked out.

Doesn't it feel some doctors working on commission for the drug companies? I know they are not all like this and I think their medical training is partly to blame. But since when did humans lose their natural ability to heal from a cut without antibiotics?  When did humans become lab rats for drug companies? When did humans get stupid enough to become lab rats for drug companies!??? Needless to say the drug companies did not get any of my money that day and my wounds have healed beautifully and naturally in one week!    

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