
Sunday, April 10, 2011

VBAC Information for Oklahoma

A friend of mine sent me a message the other day and said she has a friend who is pregnant and considering a VBAC. She wanted to know if I could direct her someplace to find more information on the subject. I thought this would make a good blog post because everyone needs to know these resources. You may not have ever had a cesarean but I bet you know someone who has! As women we need to take birth back into our own hands and encourage other women to become educated on their options.

First of all there are two facts that everyone should know, VBAC in Oklahoma is not illegal and in most cases VBAC carries less risk than a repeat cesarean. In fact, the risk of serious maternal injury increases which each repeat cesarean.

I encourage all women seeking a VBAC is to join a support group. The OKC VBAC Support Group has changed my life. This is where I found the resources, support, encouragement, and confidence to choose a VBAC for my next birth. You will learn so much from actually talking with other women about their birth experiences. ICAN of Central Oklahoma is another great local group.

VBAC providers in Oklahoma are limited. Here are the providers that I know of who take VBAC patients: OU Medical Center midwifes (I'm not sure which doctors there do), Dr. Ryan at St. Anthony's, the Community Midwifery Service in Norman, Heaven Sent Births in Oklahoma City, Dr. Thompson in Tulsa. The last two that I listed, Heaven Sent Births and Dr. Thompson are the only two that I know of who will take VBA2Cs (vaginal birth after two cesareans).

When you choose a provider who says they do VBACs, don't assume you are going to get one! Get educated, ask a ton of questions, and fight for the birth you want! You have to trust that your provider believes your body is strong and capable of giving birth the way nature intended. Understand that medical interventions can reduce your chances of a successful VBAC. Above all, believe in yourself, your body, and your baby!

Here are some great links to check out:
Oklahoma Birth Network
The Birth Survey is a great place to check out how others rated your provider or birth facility.
International Cesarean Awareness Network has a ton of information regarding VBACs.
Cesarean rates of Oklahoma hospitals (This is only Sooner care births! Think of what the rates would be if it included all births.)


  1. I had a VBAC with my fourth and Thank God it all came out Great! I really wanted to be able to experience his birth without being knocked out and asleep followed by waking up with a baby (I couldn't help but feel cheated out of the birth experience with my third) but thankfully there were no complications with the VBAC what so ever.

  2. Who did you use for your vbac momarchy??

  3. Who did you use for your vbac momarchy??
