
Friday, April 8, 2011

2011 Ultimate Blog Party Introduction

Ultimate Blog Party 2011

Hi and welcome to any new readers! My name is Paige and I'm a mama to three boys, a five year old, a 2 year old, and one due in July! We are a family who chooses not to take the beaten path. We are radical unschoolers, lovers of all things natural and organic, country dwelling dairy farmers, and modern day hippies.  

I never really knew who I was until I became a mother. In trying to create a better life for my children I find myself more and more everyday. My blog is a bit random. You will find my favorite quotes, funny things my kids do and say, stories about life on the farm, our unschooling adventures, recipes, green living tips, and my journey to a home birth after two cesareans.   
This is my oldest son Jude who will be 6 in June. He is quite a character! He is very smart and comes up with some crazy stuff! Tonight he was playing baseball with daddy and he informed me that the atmosphere was interfering with how he was hitting the ball. I took this picture a few minutes ago. He was telling me about this thing he made out of modeling clay. He said it was venus fly trap bait and that you open it up and put something really stinky in it like a piece of Lennon's (his little brother) poop. Umm, GROSS!!!
This is my little monkey Lennon. He just turned two and is the reason for most of my gray hairs! He's always on the move and always into something. If he's quiet then something is definitely wrong and you will usually find him playing with something that he's not supposed to. For all the grief he causes me he makes up for with lovable snuggly time and sweet kisses : ) 
This is Jimmy, also know as daddy. We've been together almost 11 years and he's probably the only man who could ever put up with me! I couldn't ask for a better daddy for my kids. We were definitely made for each other and he makes my life complete : )

So that's my story. I'm glad you found my blog and I hope you'll stick around to read it in the future. Please look around and explore some of my past posts. Don't forget to leave comments and tell me where I can find your blogs! 

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