
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Belly blog

26 weeks

Yoga time for baby and me. I weighed myself yesterday and I've already hit the 20 lbs. mark! With Jude I gained close to 60 pounds, with Lennon it was probably close to 50 pounds, and with this one I'm hoping to stay close to 30 pounds. We shall see how that goes!

I have a hard time feeling pretty while pregnant. I envy pregnant women with their cute bellies when I'm not pregnant but when I am pregnant I can't wait to have my somewhat flat tummy back. It wouldn't be so bad if I could still look toned everywhere but my belly but it's the all over puffy "pregnant glow" that kills me! I guess it's true, the grass always seems greener on the other side : )


  1. Okay, I was just telling a friend TODAY that you are one of those "cute" preggo women that stay so tiny and are just all belly. I SWEAR.
