
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Glimpses of the new house

We hung sheet rock in the new house today. I learned that a 12 foot piece of sheet rock is WAY heavier than you would think! I like the hard work though, hopefully it will help me shed this baby weight! I'm just glad I'm not pregnant anymore and I can finally start helping Jimmy build the house. He has pretty much done everything himself with a little help from our friends.

This is looking down the front of the house from the living room to what will soon be our kitchen, it will all be completely open. We are keeping the beautiful gray concrete floors.

This is the hallway which separates the living area from the bedrooms and bathrooms.

His and hers master closet, yes please! I can't wait to have more than three feet of closet space to myself!

The boys have already claimed their rooms.

The makeshift nursery.

The two littles hanging out at the new house while we worked today.

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