
Friday, November 11, 2011

Pinterest Friday

So glad it's Friday! My husband is off work today and we are headed out to shop for lighting and appliances for our new house. So fun! Well it's fun until I see the price tags ;) I need to get my butt out from in front of this computer and get ready so here we go with my favorite Pinterest finds this week.

I LOVE this Maxi dress from A Small Snippet! She gives a great tutorial for making it. 

Are these fingerless mittens not the cutest thing?? Check out how she makes them at Tousled Day.

I love this easy to make wall art at The Style Files. Think of the possibilities! I will definitely use this idea in my new craft room.

I am all about meatless meals and this Rustic Tomato Tart from Lick The Bowl Good looks like a winner!

I had no idea that the Olive Garden had recipes on there website! I can't wait to make some super fattening fettuccine alfredo, yummmmy :)

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