
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goals for 2012

Here are some goals, in no particular order, that I will be working towards in 2012.

  • Learn to knit or crochet, I can't decide which. What would you recommend??
  • Finish the Playful Parenting book and be more playful and patient with my boys.
  • Sit down and spend more time learning with Jude. Ever since River was born we haven't been reading a lot together and I would like for this to change.
  • Build a clothesline at the new house and quit using my dryer so much.
  • Start making my own butter and yogurt with the raw milk from our dairy.
  • Make enough stuff to have a booth at a craft show.
  • Get all the rooms complete in our new house.
  • Build raised beds and trellises for gardening. 
  • Plant trees and landscape the new house.
  • Install rain barrels and grey water system at the new house.
  • Eat a bigger variety of vegetables and find a way to get my kids to eat them too (this will be tough!).
  • Start making my own laundry detergent.
All of that shouldn't be too hard! Another thing that I will be doing this month is hosting my first blog giveaway! The Shabby Apple contacted me and asked if I would like giveaway a piece of their jewelry. Have you seen their jewelry? It's beautiful, of course I would want to do this! So stay tuned for more details about that to come in the near future. HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone and thank you SOOOOO much for reading my blog!!!


  1. Crochet is easier, make a dish cloth, then try a kid's hat for knitting. So I suggest start with that, but do learn to knit its fun. Pick a easy project and start small then you will finish and not be overwhelmed. Good luck Andi

  2. Paige, did you ever try crockpot yogurt? I hear it's super easy and I'd love to try it..someday...
    And I can't wait to hear if you figure out how to get your kids to try new, alien foods! Good luck!
