
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Total lack of motivation

Lately I've been dealing with a total lack of motivation. This is VERY unusual for me. Normally I am very determined and highly motivated but lately I just don't have it in me! I've never experienced the sudden burst of energy that is supposed to accompany your second trimester with any of my pregnancies but this one seems to be the worst. When I actually get out and get moving I feel better but it's just getting started that's so difficult lately. So anyway, my goal this week is to get out of this lazy rut! I'm going to make a list of all the things I've been thinking of doing and actually do them :)

On a side note, you'll never believe what happened to me last weekend! We were outside trimming trees and cutting some completely down on Saturday so that the electric company can come put up power lines to our new house. Jimmy had cut one down and it had landed in an arch shape on the ground. I was keeping it balanced while he cut all the branches off of it. After he finished cutting all the branches off I hadn't stepped too far back from it and when he kicked the tree to knock it over so he could cut the rest of it up. When he kicked it, the end of it flew up and hit me in the chin and face! It didn't really hurt that bad. He saw me flinch backwards and asked if it got me. I said yes and showed him where and that's when he told me that my chin was busted open. I went to the house and cleaned it all up. The gash was about an inch and a half long but since it was under my chin I couldn't really tell how deep it was. I really did not want to go to the hospital and I debated on whether to just butterfly it myself. After about an hour I finally decided I better go have it looked at. I tried to get the ER doctor to just butterfly it but he said it was too deep and wouldn't heal very fast so I ended up getting two stitches in my chin :( I don't really care about the cut, it's the big strawberry on the front of my face that I'm pissed about! Oh well, at least it didn't knock a tooth out or break my nose or something! I would post a picture but it's pretty gross looking. My kids kept looking at me like I was a monster the whole evening after it happened. Jude asked my about a hundred questions, one of which was if I disgusted everyone at the hospital! I explained to him that they've seen much worse than me :)   


  1. Way to go champ!
    I am usually completely tired during pregnancy. Hope the list helps. :)

  2. agh!!! that sucks! but yes, definitely lucky you still have all your teeth haha! =)

  3. Oh wow, sorry about the chin! That really stinks!
    I'm sorry you don't feel motivated. I'm the same way with always being determined to get up and do something. I always have a list, and it does help me on days I feel run down. Hope it helps you.

  4. hahaha the things Jude says....
