
Friday, January 6, 2012

Pinterest Friday

Wow this week got away from me, is it Friday already? Here are my favorite pins from this week.

The Quiet Lion shows us how to make this adorable necklace. 

My Byrd House has a tutorial for these useful scrappy hot pads. Just in time because mine are in their last days! 

 I love this sign in WordWhipped's Etsy shop. I'm using it for inspiration to make a similar one for the boys' new bathroom. 

This mobile from Pottery Barn is super cute and would be so easy to make.

YUM, YUM, YUM!!! Thank you Annie's Eats for introducing me to heaven! I can't wait to make this lemon cheesecake cheese ball, my waistline says otherwise but oh well :)

Have a great weekend! I'm actually looking forward to Monday because we are driving down to Texas for our first ever IKEA shopping trip. So excited!!!

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